ChatGPT Guide: 10x Your Results with Better Prompts

Chat GPT can be insanely useful, but most people only scratch the surface when using it. That's why today I'll be giving you over 100 prompts that will instantly turn. you into an advanced user - for free! And the best part is, you're not just getting the use case for every single one of these; you get the prompt plus the formula that lies behind it. What I want to do today is take you through this document that I put together, which you can download for free in the description below. All you need to do is sign up for my free weekly AI newsletter. And for anybody wondering, yes, this is a slimmed-down version of my ebook. Essentially, I'm giving. out 1/4 of the prompts for free, but there are no future updates and also,. no exclusive video training that is coming to all ebook buyers soon. Okay, so let's. dive right in. I Want to show you how to use some of these. Click here to go to the video and listen to the full interview with the creator of Chat GPT, John Defterios, at 9 p.m. ET today on And if you ever wondered what other languages this can translate, just ask it: ChatGPT can translate from English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Japanese and many other languages, as per usual. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about any of the features in the video below. I'd love to hear from you! Send me an e-mail at or tweet me with the hashtag #chatgpt and I'll feature it on the next episode of my show, "ChatGPT on the Next Day" on Monday, November 14. I'll also feature some of the best tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your e-mails, such as how to write the perfect email subject lines for a sales email to potential clients for your video business. If you're writing important emails that you might be sending out to a lot of people, there's no reason not to use this prompt. You can come into any important discussion. with all your points and counterarguments outlined - without doing too much research. This is one of the. best ways to prepare for an argument or a heated discussion with a group of. people. And it even gives you tips on which one works well and in what situation. So let's just take. a second to appreciate how insane this is. The keyword 'diverse perspectives' prompts Chat G PT. to take various viewpoints and express each one of those. So I'll say: 'Can you write an argument for the use of AI in universities from multiple diverse. perspectives?' And it does it: 'Number nine: Grow Your Business with Video - Let's. Talk!' That is quite perfect, but you can always follow up with something like, 'Now. customize it to corporate clients and make it really clickable!’ And it's the most important part of the entire. damn e- mail, because if the subject is not good, many people are not going to open it. So by copy-pasting the prompt or going with the formula here, so I can simply adjust it to my needs. That way I can open up this page and jump right into a useful. prompt. And the next one is simply a quick-win: email subject. 'Congratulations' in my ebook is translating into German, and this phrase is useful in some of those situations and it gives you the right answer with crunch time. So you can do the same thing in German, right now and this is the way I'm right now. But let's go back to the'Context' prompt - what this allows you to take translation one step further than any traditional software translation would allow you to do. It's the phrase 'Congratulations in. translate the context of graduation? By the way, this phrase will allow you translate the phrase into German. That was the usual, but I just showed you that you can use it as per the usual. There's no need to mention that you just showed me that you're in German! But I just wanted to mention it as well, as well as other languages. And I'm extremely surprised that I'm in German right now, because it's a useful feature that I just happened to stumble upon. I can't even. begin to tell you how useful it is. I'm just extremely surprised by the way it can help you translate into German and other languages as well. I just ask you to use it in some situations and this was the right way to do it.