This Is Better Than ChatGPT (With Prompting Guide)

chat GPT seems to be one of the hottest phenomenons in the world right. now and there's a tool that I like even better than Chachi PT. It can do things like create Excel formulas for you create prompts for mid-journey for you. outline blog posts for you generate a traffic plan for your website or generated exercise. routine for you. You can even get it to create YouTube thumbnail ideas for you or translate things from one language to another for you and I'm going to show. you all of the cool prompt tricks that I've used with gpt3 in this video. so let's get to it hey what's up Matt wolf here so I've been messing. around with GPT for about a year and a half now but back when I was making videos about it 18 months ago or so nobody really seemed to care. that much about GPT. I figured I'd make a video and share some of the coolest ways that I'd been messing around with gPT3 and show you how you can do some really exciting. things that most people don't even realize you can doing with it yet. Before we get into it I have a little secret about Gpt3 that a lot of people don’t know still you actually don't need to use GPT to get the benefits of this GPT technology that GPT is often overloaded. and it doesn't let you in because there's too many users at once and the servers are all bogged down. I recommend going straight to the source of whereChat GPT gets its information where it's. pulling all of its data from and that is gpt 3 which you can access over. at playground. At the end of this video I'mgoing to give you some more resources where you can find even more. inspiration for GPT prompts to do all sorts of cool stuff. I hope you. get a lot out of it but really it is just scratching the surface there is so much you can so much to do with it so the rest of the video is pretty much showing you how to get by using some of these prompts that you can use for this and some of the really cool results that you'll get from these prompts. I'm just going to just represent this is a real dream that I had not too long ago that I was not too sure about. I just want to talk about the first thing I want to Talk about is what does a dream is about. Once you type your question in on a PC or if you hit control on a Mac it will submit for you just like you would ask it. If you're on a mobile device you could come down here and enter on a command for you to enter a command on aPC. I've actually gone the last like 18 months using this and I've never paid a cent for it in those 18 months but if I do say. that then everybody down in the comments is going to start pointing out to me. that it's not technically free however the paid version is mostly for software companies that want to. use the API and are doing really really high volumes with chat gpt1. I need to say that this is not a technically free software like to say. it's free and you likely won't have. to pay for it at least not for a while awesome got that out of. the way okay cool now that we're into gpt2 and you're inside the playground I. want to show you some of  the cool possibilities and at the end of this video I want you to use. It'll ask you to log in or. sign up if you don't have an account already you can sign up and it. will just connect straight to your Google account connect it toyour Google email and. then you'll be able to get in and start messing with this and this is. open to anyone now once you're in here you'll notice that it has pretty much all the same superpowers in fact you can do a lot more. It's not quite as pretty looking but it. has pretty much with this that chat G PT won't let you do but it's not quite as pretty looking. I also find that it’s not. down all the time the server aren't always bogged down you can pretty much get. access to it whenever you need unlike chat PT which often will kick you away. saying come back later because we’re down right now now before I go any further and I’m going to give you some more resources where you can find even more  inspiration for gpt3 to do all sorts of cool stuff to do.